The divine feminine symbol
The divine feminine symbol

the divine feminine symbol

the divine feminine symbol the divine feminine symbol

And the mystical feminine holds the key to this work of redemption and Transformation.“ We need to return to the core of our being, to where the sacred comes into existence. “ Without the feminine nothing new can be born, nothing new can come into existence-we will remain caught in the materialistic images of life that are polluting our planet and desecrating our souls. We live in two worlds, helping light enter existence, wherever it is needed, and we are attentive-with great care-to all that is born.” We can access this darkness, and work within its silence to guide life from the emptiness. It allows us natural access to the creative darkness from which all life emerges. “This consciousness gives women a unique role to play within creation. She can help us to remember our real nature.” She can help us to give birth to the divine that is within us, to the oneness that is all around us. She can awaken us to an expectancy in the air, to an ancient memory coming alive in a new way. But now she needs to be known again, not just as a myth, as a spiritual image, but as something that belongs to the blood and the breath. We have forgotten her, just as we have forgotten so much of what is sacred, and yet she is always part of us. She is the divine returning to claim her creation, the real wonder of what it means to be alive. She is not a distant god in heaven, but a presence that is here with us, needing our response. “ The mystery of the divine feminine speaks to us from within her creation. In addition to the joint seminar activities, which consist of meditation, talks and conversation, silence, dream work and exercises, the open-air meal in a garden on Saturday evening has become a central and favoured part of our seminars on „Feminine Mysticism“. In doing so, we bring to life a web of interconnectedness, which pervades each one of us and all of creation. In creative exchange and in respect for the different paths, we share our experiences and our visions and get in touch with the essence that we all have in common. In the outer form of a seminar, this event offers an open forum for seekers, wayfarers, and mystics from all traditions, who together would like to work on, and take part in, the evolvement of a living and genuine feminine spirituality.įor more than a decade, the thread that weaves through our work and brings us together, each year anew, is the serious interest in a spiritual work for the world and the increasingly necessary contribution of the feminine. Once a year, we extend an invitation to a weekend on Feminine Mysticism. We believe that this work is an indispensable contribution to the healing and transformation of the world. Yet we believe that women have a particular role to play in reclaiming the Feminine in our spiritual work and practice, after we as humanity have neglected and disregarded the feminine for millennia. The Sacred Feminine is not bound to gender, it lives in all of us, in women and men. Her deepest potential is the power to connect and re-connect the created world with its soul. The Sacred Feminine also holds the spiritual power of the feminine to give birth to life and to connect matter and spirit. Through honouring the Sacred Feminine we find natural access to spiritual qualities like receptivity, patience, the ability to listen, and the care for life.

#The divine feminine symbol how to

In reverence for the Sacred Feminine we find love and respect towards every being in creation showing us how to honour them as sacred, as filled with divine light. It is through her that we recognize the light in creation, the sacredness of the Earth. She is the aspect of the Divine that brings the divine spark into being, from the infinite realms of non-being through the currents of love that reveal this being as an ocean of oneness, and from oneness into the myriads of forms and colours, into the multiplicity of creation. The SACRED FEMININE is the ancient voice who sings the song of creation. Her gateway is the root of heaven and earth.

The divine feminine symbol